Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Gardening day 2

August 5, 2015
Today we found out that God's Child needed some people to work with the babies and other people to garden.  Since I had already worked with the babies my two brothers and mom got to work with the babies today.  Much to my dissapointment dad and I got to garden again along with my sister who just played for most of the time, to be honest it was not all that fun but I made the best of it anyway.  We  carried a lot of dirt and planted a lot of flowers.  After we finished gardening, it was time to go home.  As we were talking about what we did mom mentioned that Nowemy (who I wrote about earlier) went home yesterday.  That was very exciting because that means that she is back to 100% health and is no longer malnourished/sick, at the same time though it was kind of sad because I would not get to see her again.  We then came back to Julia's for a 15 minute lunch before we were off to spanish lessons.  One of the reasons that we came on this trip was because we wanted to get away from all of our commitments and having to rush around, however, so far it has just been go go go.  Next week will be more relaxed though because we will not have spanish lessons or God's Child, which means that we will have our days completely free.  During our four hour spanish lesson my sister fell asleep. 

Afterwards we came back to Julia's at 5pm and just chilled/read until about 7 when we learned that Julia was throwing a fiesta (early birthday party) for my sister.  It was complete with a piñata and other people that we didn't know.  After destroying the piñata, Julia then served sandwiches, cake, chocolate covered bananas, and chocalate covered pineapple.  It was lots of fun.  Afterwards we all went to bed.

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