Thursday, July 30, 2015

July 30, 2015
We woke up at 7:45am this morning.  We then had pancakes and watermelon for breakfast, the "syrup" that we had with the pancakes tasted like a mix of honey and fruit.  After breakfast we then got directions to God's Child, which is where we will be serving for the next week and a half.  We walked for about twenty minutes through town to get to God's Child.  The majority of the streets are cobblestone which looks really neat and rustic.  When we arrived at God's Child we recieved a tour.  They had all these neat plants that were all nicely trimmed and everything was beautiful.  After the tour we just hung out with the kids at God's Child for a while.  At about twelve it was time to go, so we just wandered through town for a while.  We had lunch at some kind of sports bar where we ordered a pizza and some quesadillas.  After lunch we hunted for spanish schools.  We found about five and will most likely take lessons at some point.  Then we went to a supermarket type store where we bought some granola bars and sim cards for my parent's phones.  After this we came back to the house for a bit and dropped off the granola bars.  My 9 year-old brother was begging for ice cream and so we went out and found an ice cream shop.  We are just resting at the house right now and despite it only being 4:00pm we are all tuckered out.
July 29, 2015
We left Minneapolis at 10:30am this morning and made it to the airport without any incidents.  We took one last photo and then said our goodbyes to our neighbors (they drove us).

It was kind of amusing to watch people stare at us while walking through the airport because they all have suit cases and we have these massive hiking backpacks.  While going through security I got flagged for a random security check.  When the TSA officer asked me to come over, I told my sister who is 3 years old that the officer was going to take me to jail.  At that point she just started bawling.  We stopped at subway on our way to the gate and then finished walking through the airport with our packs to the gate.  We almost got on the plane without any problems, however, when mom and dad tried to get on the plane they flagged them down and made them check their bags.  Our flight to Atlanta, Georgia was delayed about twenty minutes because of traffic.  That then made getting to our next flight very tight.  We rushed through the airport and made it just as they started boarding.  I got my last look at America for two months and we were off! 

After we got of the plane we went through customs and immigration very quickly and found our driver who was going to take us to where we were staying with a host family.  After about a forty minute drive we made it to the host families' house.  It was nice, we each had our own bed, clean water was provided, and we could take a hot shower every morning.  When Julia (pronounced hoolia) the, lady who owns the house, showed us to our rooms she decided that the adults would go in the room upstairs and the kids would go in the room downstairs.  However, mom and dad decided to stay on the safe side and split up, one parent in each room.  I think that Julia might have been offended by this.  I am exhausted, as it has been one long day of travel. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Why I am Excited to Travel the World
      I am so excited to travel the world because I will have to leave my state and country and go outside of my comfort zone and experience things, see things, and do things that will all be new to me.  I will get to live in a completely new way, and experience new things.  I will get to meet new people, go to new places, and experience how other people live.
      Why I am not Excited to Travel the World
      Despite all of the amazing things that I will have the privilege of experiencing, I cannot say that I am disappointed at the same time.  I am majorly disappointed by the fact that going on a yearlong journey means missing out on so much back at home.  I am sure that the benefits will overcome the odds, however I am still skeptical about this as it is so unordinary.  I will be disappointed by the fact that I will not be able to physically see my friends for an entire year.  Hey, I guess that is why humans invented Skype!!  We will see a couple friends along the way through missionary connections that we have, but it will not be the same.  I am very involved in soccer and play year round so that will be a major disappointment.  I also have recently had guitar opportunities with the worship band at church, so I will be bummed by having to leave those so soon.  However, I am 100% positive that the benefits will outweigh the odds.